Faked Shared Google Docs Emails: The Official Google Response

Earlier today we blogged about the ‘faked google docs shared with you‘ scam which was spreading like wildfire. Thousands or perhaps millions of people got the emails, us included. The scam email would allow an attacker to view your gmail account and have access to all of your contacts list.

The link was a carefully crafted link which exploited a bug in Google's API and the Google Docs system.

The link was a carefully crafted link which exploited a bug in Google’s API and the Google Docs system.

We now have an official response from Google via tweets from their official Google Docs twitter account:

And after these initial 3 tweets, they released info for those would might have clicked on the link:

We had confidence that the Google team would get to this quickly – and we hope that the malicious actors are tracked down. That said, we do expect some more of this type of attack until Google is able to block the entire attack vector.

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